BGGTS has access to State-of-the-Art GT Technology and worldwide engineering support and facilities.
Expertise in GT Services, world-class Repair and Refurbishment facilities, a vastly experienced team, well connected OEM supply network, digital initiatives coupled with State-of-the-Art Technology and engineering support from promoters are vital elements that permit us to offer cutting edge service to our customers. This strength of total solutions for parts planning, field services support, technical consultancy, GT uprates and improvements has benefited many of our customers in improving their plant performance and efficiencies.

BGGTS is promoted by the giants in Gas Turbine Technology
General Electric Inc. USA and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
BHEL -GE Gas Turbine Services Pvt Ltd (BGGTS) was founded in 1997 as a Joint Venture of BHEL, India and General Electric, U.S. BGGTS has been founded with a customer-centric vision of providing quality after-market services for Gas Turbines to GE and BHEL Customers. This combined with the heritage of gas turbine engineering and manufacturing that spans more than half a century, and a dedicated team of technicians who knows their GT’s in and out, BGGTS is poised to ensure that your GT’s are benefitted with the best technical advice, services and spares.
BGGTS offers a reliable, time-saving and cost-efficient GT Services alternative to power sector customers in the India region to avail of GT Repair and Services in a well-equipped and advanced Gas Turbine Repair and Refurbishments facility located in Hyderabad, India, and thereby eliminating the need to have to send their machines for repair to Singapore or US.
BGGTS presence in the region ensures that customers could focus on enhancing their productivity, minimize the down-times required for repair and services operation. BGGTS could offer all after-market services for gas turbines under a single roof, apart from being the preferred source for all GT OEM parts. Customers in India region (Bangladesh, SriLanka, Mauritius and India) does benefit enormously with the establishment of this facility in Hyderabad, India.
Our Journey
- Expanded repair capability by adding Non-Coated Bucket Repairs, Fuel Nozzle Repair and Calibration and 9FA Combustion and Hot Gas path component repairs
- Shop certified as GE Quality Star site through the GE Q Framework excellence program, being the first GE fixed facility site in India to achieve certification
- Shop has achieved GE Ecomagination Nation GOLD certification award and is the first GE entity, globally to be certified
- Achieved CII National Water Efficient Unit Award and EHS Excellence awards
- Digitized Quality and EHS processes using GENSUITE applications
Our Promoters
BGGTS (BHEL-GE Gas Turbine Services Pvt Ltd) is promoted by the giants in Gas Turbine Technology General Electric, US and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited. GE helped pioneer the modern, industrial gas turbine, and established an efficient and reliable architecture that would become the basis for today’s global power generation industry while BHEL, a Maharatna PSU is the largest Gas Turbine manufacturer in India.
Board of Directors

Mr. Rajesh Kumar Dwivedi
Chairman of the Board

Mr. Dharmesh Save
Managing Director

Ms. Rajasree Balla
Joint Managing Director
Mr. KB Raja

Ms. Lee Yoon Sook

Mr. NG Chieh Kwong
Our Achievements

Innovative, Inspirational Productive, Advanced, Elegant, Modern